Home Page / How to Take Nepharn®

How to Take Nepharn®

Each bottle is a full one week supply. Twice daily, 2ml each time. You can take them on an empty stomach or on a full stomach, it makes no difference as the powerful formula works. Our product is easily digested whether you have an empty or full stomach.

Three Ways to Use Nepharn®

  • Drop in Water

    Simply add the recommended dosage of Nepharn® drops into a glass of water. Stir well and drink. This method is convenient and easy to incorporate into your daily routine.

  • Drop in Fruit or Vegetable Juice

    Enhance your favorite fruit or vegetable juice with Nepharn® drops. Just add the drops, mix thoroughly, and enjoy. This method not only makes taking Nepharn® more enjoyable but also adds a nutritional boost to your juice.

  • Drop Directly Under the Tongue

    For quick absorption, place the Nepharn® drops directly under your tongue. Hold for a few seconds before swallowing. This method allows for faster absorption into your bloodstream, providing quicker results.